Do You Have Flared Ribs? Why a Custom Rib Flare Brace Can Change Your Life

by Dakota Brace

Do you have flared ribs? If you do, a custom rib flare brace can change your life. But what even are flared ribs? How do you know if you have the condition? We will answer those questions in this post and then explain if (and when) a custom rib flare brace may be right for you, so keep reading.

What Is Rib Flare? Understanding Flared Ribs

Flared ribs, also called rib flare or flared rib cage is a condition that causes your upper ribs to stick out more than usual. This condition is often seen in people with scoliosis, a sideways curve of the spine. But it can also happen to anyone who has tight chest muscles that pull the ribs out of place.

If you have flared ribs, you're probably looking for ways to treat them. The good news is that flared ribs aren't harmful, and there are effective ways to reduce the appearance of your upper ribs, so they blend in with the rest of your body.

However, if you think you have scoliosis or another medical condition causing your flared ribs, see a doctor for an evaluation.

What Are the Signs of Flared Ribs?

In many cases, people with flared ribs are not aware of their condition. However, several signs can help identify this problem.

  • Breathing Problems: In some people, flared ribs can cause breathing problems. This is because the rib cage compresses the lungs, making it difficult for you to take a deep breath. If you experience shortness of breath or take shallow breaths often, examine your rib cage for flared ribs.
  • Hunching Over: When you have flared ribs, your shoulders may naturally hunch forward to compensate for the tightness in your back and chest muscles. You might also find difficulty standing up straight without experiencing pain.
  • Posture Problems: People with flared ribs tend to have poor posture because they are accustomed to having their shoulders hunched forward and their back arched. You may have flared ribs if you constantly sit and stand with your shoulders hunched over and back.

What Causes Rib Flare?

Flared ribs are caused by several factors, including poor posture, exercise, and injury. They also commonly happen as a chest abnormality in children (10-years or older). The most common rib flare causes include:

Abnormality in Children

Many children experience some flare of their ribs, but this is not always a cause for concern. At a young age, chest wall deformity can be considered normal because the chest is still growing and changing.

Rib flare can start as early as birth or even occur while the baby is still in the uterus. In general, if your child's rib flare becomes apparent before they reach puberty, it will most likely correct itself over time. This is especially true if it is only one side that flares out.

Common With Pectus Carinatum

In older children and adults, rib flare is typically caused by pectus carinatum, also known as pigeon chest. This occurs when the breastbone grows abnormally outward, pushing the ribs out with it and causing them to flare.

Pectus carinatum can be associated with several other conditions and syndromes, including Marfan syndrome and Noonan syndrome. Your doctor should discuss any other symptoms your child might be experiencing to determine whether this is related to another condition or not.

Pectus carinatum can be treated by bracing or surgery, depending on the severity of the case. 

Ineffective Breathing

Breathing deeply engages the diaphragm, which connects to the ribs and helps them stay in alignment. If you're breathing shallowly, your ribs may be more likely to flare out.

Weak Abdominal Muscles

When your core is weak, other muscles and structures compensate. This can cause improper alignment in your spine and rib cage, leading to rib flare.


This is an excessive curve in the thoracic spine or upper back. This curvature may cause the ribs to stick out further than they should.


Childbirth can cause many changes in the body that last long after delivery day. Your rib cage may shift due to pregnancy and childbirth, causing rib flare.

How to Fix Rib Flare

The best way is to simply rest—you may need some extra time to recover from an illness or injury. If you experience flare only once in a while after exercise (such as when doing crunches or sit-ups), you should be able to correct it by stretching.

Yoga is beneficial in this regard—it will improve your posture and strengthen your core muscles while also helping your body flex and twist in ways that may not be familiar to you but are necessary for proper alignment. Another way is through the use of a rib flare brace.

What Is a Rib Flare Brace?

A rib flare brace provides a simple solution to an all-too-common problem. If you suffer from rib flare, the lower part of your ribcage will tilt outward, causing the skin to tighten and bruise easily. While it's usually not a severe health concern, it can be painful, and if the pain is bad enough, it may even keep you from performing routine daily activities. It can also affect your self-esteem—you might feel self-conscious about how your ribs look under your clothes.

The rib flare brace by Dakota Brace is designed to help with these issues. It provides gentle medical compression that alleviates pain and speeds up healing, but it also helps reduce swelling and inflammation by keeping injured ribs stable.

Custom-made flared ribs brace by Dakota Brace

In addition, its sleek design makes it easy to wear under a shirt, so you don't have to worry about showing off an awkward or unsightly piece of equipment at work or in public. With this product, you can say goodbye to flair-ups once and for all!

Pectus Carinatum + Rib Flare Brace

If you're looking for a pectus carinatum (PC) or rib flare brace, you might have many questions about what it is, how it works, and where to get one. Pectus carinatum is the medical term for a protruding breastbone, also known as pigeon chest. Rib flare is when the ribs stick out from the sides of the chest—usually higher up than they should be. Both conditions usually develop during puberty, but they can also happen in children and adults.

When wearing the brace, it should curve gently inward on the front of your body and outward on your sides-this is what creates the necessary pressure that gradually reshapes your ribcage.

Custom-made rib flare and pectus carinatum brace by Dakota Brace

The Bison Brace by Dakota Brace is custom made under the guidance of a clinician, starting with the 3D scan of the body all the way through design, 3D printing, strap design, and fabrication.

Why It’s Worth Investing in a Custom Rib Flare Brace

There are numerous reasons to invest in a custom-made brace for rib flare, but the most common ones include:

No Surgery Is Needed

Unlike surgery, which is invasive and can leave scars and other lasting marks on your body, a custom rib flare brace can help manage your pain without an operation. And once you have a brace specifically designed for your body, it will continue to be effective for years to come—meaning you won’t need any additional surgeries.

It Saves You Money and Time in the Long Run

There are several reasons why a custom rib flare cage can save you money and time. One of the biggest reasons is that a custom brace will fit you better than an off-the-shelf product, so it won't need to be replaced as often.

If you've ever had to return something to the store because it didn't fit properly, you know how frustrating it can be to keep going back and forth until you find the right size. If a brace doesn't fit properly, then it's not going to give your ribs the support they need to heal properly—so not only is this bad for your body, but it's also bad for your wallet!

Another reason why using a custom rib flare brace will save you money is because they're usually made from high-quality materials that last longer than other types of braces on the market today.

Do you have flared ribs? Dakota Brace can improve your life

A Poorly Built Brace Can Do More Damage Than Good

Why is it worth it to invest in a custom rib flare brace when there are plenty of cheaply-made, one-size-fits-all options out there? The answer is that a poorly made brace can do more harm than good. A brace that doesn't properly fit your body and the condition you're trying to correct can worsen things, causing further physical damage and making you even less mobile. Conversely, a well-made rib flare brace will help your posture, relieve back pain, and keep your lungs pressing.

Easy to Work With Certified Clinicians to Get Your 3D Printed Custom Brace Online

A rib flare brace is a great way to help manage the pain of a rib injury and get back into the water without aggravating your injury further. A custom brace is even better than an off-the-shelf product because it's made just for you and your body's unique shape. Don't let pain or discomfort stand between you and the ocean!

We offer 3D-printed braces made from lightweight, flexible materials that conform to your body perfectly. Our braces are designed perfectly for surfers with straps that fully adjust around your chest, shoulders, and back.

Rib Flare Braces Are Usually Not Covered by Insurance

A rib flare brace is often not covered by insurance because it doesn't have a medical code. Most insurance companies won't cover something that doesn't have a medical code. This can be frustrating, but don't let it put you off trying to get your hands on these cutting-edge braces. Ask your clinic if they have any options for payment plans on these types of braces. Often you can finance the cost of your treatment and pay it off over time rather than having to pay it all upfront.


At Dakota Brace, our ultimate goal is to give you the solutions for living a healthy, balanced life. We understand that our customers are unique, so we aim to customize a targeted protocol that fits your personal needs and lifestyle. Ready to restore your health and confidence?

Get a free consultation with Dakota Brace today and $75 off your first order, and get evaluated for either our Custom Rib Flare Brace (The Rider Brace) or our Custom Pectus & Two Rib Flare Brace (The Bison Brace).
